Saturday, October 31, 2015


The Liberal Party
There is more freedom here than elsewhere regarding
dress code. Clothing should reflect that politicians
are not completely removed from how the rest
of society dresses. But I dress more formally, for example,
for meetings in Germany, where my German
colleagues my age wear suits, nylon stockings and
high pumps - all the time - never anything casual.
For a ball at the Royal Palace, some colleagues and I
had initiated a group, “The Seal Gang”, across political
parties, who wore sealskin at the party to raise
awareness for the Inuit hunters and their sealskins.
My contribution was a bomber jacket dyed in a blue
pattern, designed by JSPR Jensen. Lone Loklindt,
(social Liberal Party) wore a classic cape, Sara Olsvig
(the Greenland IA party) a red dress embroidered
in sealskin with Greenlandic decorations and Flemming
Moeller Mortensen, (Social Democratic Party),
a sealskin bow tie.

Lang, sart isblå, vid, kjole i silkesatin belagt

med let helsilkechiffon med lodret plisseret

forstykke, David Andersen.

Hvide stiletter, David Andersen.

Perlearmbånd, stjernesmykke, Ann Wiberg.

Foto: Elona

Styling, make up, hår: Pari

Tak til Loreal og Young Blod

Kort, fuchsia kjole, Susanne Rûtzou.

Sorte sandaler, Billi Bi.

Armbånd, Sif Jacobsen.



The Social Liberal Party

Lang, sort satinkjole med sort blonde bluse
og tilsat bred, sort blondebort, Heart Made.
Sko, Billi Bi.
Foto: Elona
Styling, hår, make up: Pari

It has been really great to be styled by Pari. Both outfits
were something I could have chosen. I am very
fond of prints, and the combination of the delicate
and slightly larger prints is both beautiful and young
in a compelling way that I like.
I have invested a lot of energy in being a woman
under 30 in politics, where one wants to signal being
dynamic and serious with clothes that are cool, but
not reserved. On the other hand, you do not want
to look like an old man, or dress as a 50 year old in
a uniform with matching jacket and skirt. I believe
that clothes can show both that you are in control
and that you are cooperative. It would be rather odd
otherwise for people like me, who spends so much
time talking to people and playing with the children
in the sandbox.


Tuesday, August 4, 2015


The Social Liberal Party

I have to have some clothes ready in the cupboard

in my office. If I have meetings at Christiansborg and

something official suddenly turns up, something in

the morning and something else in the evening, or

TV a couple of times, you can’t wear the same clothes

all the time. For that purpose, I have jackets or something

else to change into - all kinds of clothes. I try to

be a little creative – and a pair of high heals can lift

the whole look.

You need to have your own style, your own identity.

No minister uniform. It is I, who is Minister, not the

minister, who has become me. Sofie must matter. In

my work but also in the way I dress.
Sort organisk helsilkekjole med kort, løs
capekrave af Neopren med bredt vedhæng på
lynlåsen, David Andersen.
Øreringe, Pilgrim.

Hvid T-shirt Stella Nova.

Øreringe og armbånd, Dyrberg/Kern.

Ringe, Marie Zabel.

Vinrød blazer, Susanne Rützou.
Hvid T-shirt, StellaNova.
Vinrød/hvid ternet pencil nederdel, Susanne Rützou.
Hvide sandaler med ankelrem, A Pair.
Foto:Elone Sjøgren
Styling, Make up & Hår: Pari khadem


Friday, July 31, 2015



The Conservative Party

Colours, I like a lot, especially purple and dustypink, and I really try to use colours. But no plungingnecklines, neither will you see me in a distinguished suit. I prefer something a little more underground like Storm & Marie and Bad Habit - it’s a brand from Funen, I am elected on Funen. I definitely want to support Danish design, I gladly attend The Copenhagen Fashion Week and support the textile industry- Kopenhagen Fur’s amazing growth and export success

success.I have witnessed the conditions at mink farms for years an undeservedly criticized industry. Neglect

leaves its mark, if the animals were mistreated,they would not be able to produce these fine skins. I see a healthy business both in terms of animal welfare and exports.

Kort gråblomstret silkekjole og stilletter fra Sand
Øreringe, armbånd, ringe Dyberg/Kern
Foto: Elona Sjøgren
Styling/makeup og hair Pari Khadem

Sunday, January 11, 2015



The Unity List
clothes should give the impression that I am a competent person and they should disprove the prejudice people have against young women – that they should have difficulties being taken seriously in politics. I want to look like somebody that is taken seriously - under all circumstances. The Unity List is maybe more relaxed than other political parties.Sometimes I think: “Is this too fancy, do I look like someone who is on her way to a party?” But I like to dress up. I like when there is a difference between workdays and parties. - But I also like to wear lace on weekdays.
Lang, rød taftkjole med flæsebroderi og udskæring
med bindesløjfe, Ivan Grundahl.
Sølvmetaløreringe, Zarah Voigt.
Armringe, Dyrberg/Kern.
Sølv sandaler, Billi Bi.
Foto: Elona Sjøgren
Make up / Hår og Styling: Pari Khadem
Make up: Young Blood
Hår : Loreal

Saturday, January 10, 2015


Normally in Parliament, I almost always wear a shirt, a tie and a suit. Other people might say, it would be fine with no tie for some particular meeting, but for the appointments I deal with in here, I prefer not to have to concentrate on my clothes, but rather on what comes out of my mouth. I have become better at trying other colours than blue, and I have even become so daring as to think that it is all right to use brown shoes and brown belts - so I have come along way. Read More in Power and Fashion

Gråblå ren uld habit, Sand.

Vinrød ren bomuld skjorte, Sand.

Foto:Elona Sjøgren

Make up/Styling: Pari Khadem


Thursday, January 8, 2015


Det Konservative Folkeparti (K)

“The dress code has something to do with the position you have as a politician, and especially during years I was a minister I thought of dressing soberly and fitting into the environment, including the Council of Ministers meetings. I have invested
in some Max Mara suits and Diana von Furstenberg dresses to feel properly dressed at he same time knowing that the clothes don’t crease - even on long around the world trips. I also use some of the many Danish designers who do a fantastic job - Day Birger et Mikkelsen, Sand, Baum & Pferdgarten, and many fine designs from especially By Malene Birger and Elise Gug.
Lyseblå dobbeltvævet uld/jersey cardigan med grosgrain
plissé i halsen og som kant Elise Gug.
Hvid bomuldspoblin skjorte, Elise Gug.
Lyseblå, satinerede, jacquard vævede bukser, Elise Gug.
Pumps, Elise Gug.
Smykker, Dyrberg/ Kern.
Foto:Elona Sjøgren
Make up / Hår  & Styling: Pari Khadem
Make up: young Blood
Hår: L’oreal

Monday, January 5, 2015

Enhedslisten (EL)
In the 90s, when Unity entered Parliament, new
types of personalities, people with other backgrounds,
like metal workers and carpenters etc., were
elected. Now we shall appeal to a wider population,
without looking completely different. I was neither
punk, nor hippie, we are another generation in the
left wing movement who do not have their roots in
the 60s and 70s youth environments, and therefore
we also dress in a different way.
I pay attention to that clothes are being sustainably
produced, that’s why I like American Apparel who
does something to produce under decent working
conditions also in environmental terms.
Kort, rød let uld kjole med stribede manchetter, Isaksen.
Bælte med metalspænde, David Andersen.
Sorte pumps, Elise Gug.
Smykker, Dyrberg/Kern.
Foto: Elona Sjøgren
Make up/ Hår og styling: Pari Khadem
Make up .Young Blood
Hår: Loreal


                                                   Socialdemokraterne (S)
And former Minister of Justice, Morten Bødskov:

Told os in Power of Fashion about Pari’s styling.

- Pari is awfully clever. She is good at challenging you

and does not hold back an indirect hint. She is not

saying it directly, but you know what she thinks. “Isn’t

it time to try something new and different than your

charcoal gray suit?” I like the fact that she can get you out of

the normal politician suit. Pari nails it spot on. I’m

probably a little conservative in choosing my clothes.

I have never worn fur - and thought that maybe fur

was rather far out, but it was a challenge for me, and

that’s fine

 Grå, mønsterskåret, mink jakke, Kopenhagen Fur.

Foto:Elona Sjøgren

Styling:Stylist in the Danish Parliament Pari

Make up Young Blood
Hår produkter: Loreal

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Liberal Alliance (LA)
The clothes must first and foremost be comfortable,
nothing very tight, but I reflect upon my appearance,
you say a great deal, by the way you present yourself.
Clothes are a language that tells about yourself, they
must not speak against of how you are as a person,
they should support you. That way there is harmony
between what you say, and the way you look.
Lang, rød blondekjole, Elsa Adams.
Shoes:Billi Bi.
Photo:Elona Sjøgren
Make up, Hair/ Styling: Pari Khadem

Saturday, January 3, 2015


I believe that women must accentuate their feminine
side and yet obviously be competent to for example,
reign in Parliament. But changes in styling have to be
done one day at a time. Ideas for a make-over should
not be carried out too quickly, they must take place
slowly - voters must be able to recognize their candidate.”
That I have been right and have succeeded.
with my visions is confirmed by the statements
of many politicians after the photo shoots. Read more in my book .
By pari Khadem
Stylist in the Danish Parliament